
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

4.Language acquisition and language learning

 “If you talk to a man in a language he understand, that goes to head. lf you talk to him in his own language ,that goes to his heart.”

                                                                                                - Nelson Mandela

 Language learning is studying a foreign or second language in a classroom while language acquisition is the process by which people naturally acquire a language.

 The main difference is that language learning is a conscious process but language acquisition is subconscious. Learning a second language in a classroom typically follow a set curriculum and receive explicit instruction from our teacher. People who acquire a second language do so by immersion through exposure to the language in everyday life. They are not conscious to every rule but can understand and speak the language fluently.

 *Language learner simply study grammar rules and memorize vocabulary.

* Language acquirers simply absorb these things through exposure to the language. This reference is because language learners consciously try to learn a new language.

 *Other most significant difference is that second language learners have a much greater awareness of language than first language learners.

*This because second language are usually older than first language learners.

Language learning   is often much more formal than language acquisition. They  usually set goals and objectives in language setting, and progress is often monitored and evaluated.

 *Second, language learning typically involves using instructional materials such as textbook, workbook and audiovisual aids. On the other hand, in a naturalistic setting, people acquire language without formal instruction or materials.

 *Usually have different motivations for engaging in each activities. People engaged in language learning typically want to achieve proficiency in that target language to use it for practical purposes such as communicating with native speakers in their daily life.

  "Language acquisition might be like other biological functions. The linguistic clumsiness of tourists and students might be the price we pay for the linguistic genius we displayed babies, just as the decrepitude of age is the price  we pay for the vigor of youth"  said Steven Pinker.

 The language instinct: How the mind create language.

 *Language learning depend on the aptitude whereas language acquisition depend on attitude .language acquisition follows stable order of learning and language learning follows simple to complex order of learning.

 -Submitted  by Anagha


Language acquisition, as proposed by Maslo (2007), relies on neuro-psychological processes and resembles the subconscious manner in which children naturally acquire their first language, differing from conscious language learning. Kramina (2000) distinguishes language acquisition as an innate, unconscious process, while language learning, as noted by Robbins (2007), is conscious and typically occurs in formal educational settings or self-study programs. Both processes, however, contribute to the broader spectrum of language, highlighting their integral roles in the overall linguistic framework.

 -Submitted by  Muhammed Nahiyan Archa Valappil


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