
Friday, November 3, 2023

02-Revision Questions with Key


[ED1002E English for Communication]

Q 1 to 14) Fill  in the blanks.

1. Communication is the process of ……………information, ideas, and emotions from one person to another.

Ans. Transmitting

2.The  sender  of a message  starts the conversation by encrypting a message and transmitting it to the………….

Ans. Receiver, recipient

3. In spoken communication, ……….. cues include facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice.

Ans.Non verbal

4. In  ………………..communication,  a message is  transmitted  by making use of pictures, videos, and graphics.


5.Physical barriers  such as  intrusive sounds, dim illumination, or a lack of personal space  can ……….communication.

Ans.impede, obstruct, affect

6. Individuals could find it challenging to communicate clearly because they might be focused on their own feelings. This is an instance of …………barrier.

Ans. Emotional

7…………………..listening is  essential for effective communication.

Ans. Active

8.Five  communication skills essential for  a teacher are …………. oral communication skills, non-verbal communication, contextual communication, and active listening. 


9.A  good  communicator  chooses  …………carefully, creates  a connection with the audience, and understands the audience.


10.Language  ……………………is  the process by which humans acquire the ability to comprehend and produce language, either as their first or second (third, etc.) language

Ans. Acquisition

Q.11.The four skills of  language learning are ……….speaking, reading and writing.


12..Language  learning is  a ………………….process.

Ans  conscious

13.Language acquisition is an ………………….process

Ans. unconscious

14.A child says: “I  drinked  water”. Here   the child is  applying  a  rule which is ……..

Ans  acquired

For  Q.15 to 25…. Choose the correct  answer.


15. Language learning is often used to   refer to the  learning of  (mother tongue/second language )

Ans Second language

16. A  child's ………… language usually refers to the language the child learned from birth (before the age of 3) and heard most often in their environment.[First, Second]


17. Someone's……….. language is a language which is not their native language but which they use at work or at school. (first, second)

Ans. Second

18.As per the three language formula, students  in schools   should learn three languages: the mother tongue or regional language, the official language of the state, ………….(Sanskrit, English)

Ans. English

19. If one person utters the sentence 'Raju  is a farmer' and another says the same thing except pronounces the word farmer as 'fahmuh,' then the difference is one of …………..(Dialect,  Accent)

Ans. Accent

Q.20.  A  …………. is a form of the language that is spoken in a particular part of the country or by a particular group of people.  (accent/ dialect)

Ans. Dialect

21.African Americans often use a unique vocabulary, sentence structures, and intonation patterns.  This is an instance of  language variation arising from ….(ethnicity/social class)

Ans ethnicity

22.  You probably behave very differently chatting with a friend than you would at a formal dinner party or during a job interview. This is an example of  (Register/Jargon)

Ans. Register(using language differently in different circumstance)

23. A  plumber  using  the word  “elbow” to refer to  a  type of pipe  fitting  which only  those in his profession understands is an example of  the use of  language by a professional group and is called…….(Register/Jargon)

Ans. Jargon

24………………………… is  defined as a speaker's ability to use two languages for communication(Bilingualism, Polyglot)

Q.25……………………………….is the ability of an individual speaker or a community of speakers to communicate effectively in three or more languages.


 (Bilingualism, Multilingualism)

Ans. Multilingualism

Q.26 to 38.Answer the  following in a word, phrase or sentence


26.What is feed back in communication?

Ans.  Feedback in communication is the response, reaction, or information given by the recipient of a message to the sender.

27.Mention any three barriers of communication.

Ans. Linguistic Barriers, Psychological Barriers, Emotional Barriers, Physical Barriers, Cultural Barriers.


28.Mention any one difference between language learning and  language acquisition

Ans. Language Acquisition is the manner of learning a language by immersion and language learning focuses on providing theoretical knowledge of a language.

29.Give   examples of    three different types of  English dialects.

Ans. The major native dialects of English are often divided by linguists into three general categories: the British Isles dialects, those of North America, and those of Australasia.

30.Give  any one example of  difference in spelling- British English and American English.

Ans.  colour (British)  color (American)

31. Give any one example of difference in vocabulary –British and American.

Ans. The Brits call the front of a car the bonnet, while Americans call it the hood

32.Identify the difference in pronunciation of the word ‘vitamin’-British and American

Ans. Vitamin

·         American English: Vai-tuh-min

·         British English: Vit-uh-min

33.What is the difference in pronunciation of the word ‘Aluminum’-British and American

·         Ans. American English: Ah-luh-min-um

·         British English: Al-oo-min-i-um

34.Give  two  examples of typical Indian English usages.

Good name-  Meaning what is your name.

Cousin brother/Cousin sister-Used to describe someone very close to you but doesn't have a direct family tie

35.Mention any two  good  Indian English writers.

Ans. R.K.Narayan, Arundathi Roy

36.Mention  two advantages of learning English.

Ans. Good knowledge of English will allow you to access films, music and literature from hundreds of countries around the globe

37.What is IELTS?

Ans. IELTS in its full form stands for the International English Language Testing System – an English Language proficiency test .

38.What is tested for  IELTS and TOEFL?

Ans. On the whole, TOEFL and IELTS assess the same skills, i.e. listening, reading, writing and speaking




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