
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

21.Communicating effectively in English

 The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.

                                                                                               -Peter Drucker

Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose. When we communicate effectively both the sender and receiver feel satisfied.

The seven C’s of communication are a set of principles that ensures that the underlying message is communicated effectively when we are communicating. They are Clarity, Correct, Complete, Concrete, Concise, Considered, Courteous.

Effective communication is a combination of active listening, non-verbal cues, Such as body language and tone, capability to understand one’s own emotions and that of the person one is communicating with and ability to dealt with stress in the present situation. Additionally, being mindful of cultural differences and context helps prevent misunderstandings.

We know that English is global language. So that effective communication  in English can open many doors for many different jobs and academic excellence also.

-Submitted by Ahammed Shabeeb K.


 Effective communication in English is crucial for clear, concise, and persuasive expression. As George Orwell wrote in 'Politics and English Language': "But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought", ensuring your message is clear and easy to understand is the basic attribute for effective communication. For this we may need to adapt tone and style according to audience as English has numerous dialect and slangs. Being mindful of cultural differences and avoiding languages or topics that might be offensive or insensitive is also very crucial. Active listening by asking questions or simply observing the audience can be a effective way for the cultural awareness.  Being aware of body language, facial expression, and gestures will also give you an upper hand  as they can convey a lot of information without saying a word. Ultimately effective communication is the result of consciousness of the one communicating and can also be changed by the response of the audience.

 -Submitted  by  Shamna  CT.


20.NEP 2020 and the English language


Education is a great leveller and is the best tool for achieving economic and          social mobility, inclusion and equality.”

-NEP 2020

 The NEP 2020 envisions an education system rooted in Indian ethos that contributes Directly to transforming India,  by providing high-quality education to all, and  making India a global knowledge superpower.  NEP 2020 provides valuable insights  on various aspects of education that includes moving towards multidisciplinary and holistic education. This  emphasis on early childhood education, renewed focus on vocational and skill development, and an increased use of technology in education and make education more inclusive and accessible, with a goal of universalization of education from pre-school to secondary level.

 Reference -Google (NEP 2020)

 -Submitted  by   Ananya Narayanan


The National Education Policy of India 2020,which was started by the Union cabinet of India on 29 July 2020, outlines the vision of new education system in India.NEP 2020 pushes ahead the need to teach regional language   and foreign languages other than English in the   institutions. NEP does not talk about shedding the English language instead it emphasizes the importance of multilingualism which has a great cognitive for young children. The NEP of India 2020 clearly declares that:

 ‘English is a language ; it is not a test of your intelligence’.

 The NEP 2020 considers English only an International language which everyone should learn for the convenience in life, not the basis of intelligence. Even the person who knowsonly regional or national language can be intelligent.


Hindustan Times, Article on NEP 2020.July 31,2020.

Role and significance of English language in National Educational Policy 2020. April 10,2023.

 -Submitted  by  Madhuvanthi K.

19.Constitutional provisions for English language

 “With language you are at home anywhere.”

-Edward de Waal

A considerable   amount of different countries’ constitutions  include clauses pertaining to the English language.  In India, the  evolution of constitutional provisions has happened  over time.  The Indian constitution initially  recognized English as an associate official language alongside  Hindi.  It was always meant to be gradually wiped out to make for  the Hindi language.   But  the official act of 1963 allowed the continued use of English for official purposes until a certain  period of time (15 years). This time limit was later removed in 1967 and allowed English to persist in constitutional and  legal proceedings. The provisions aim to balance Hindi promotion with India’s  linguistic diversity, ensuring English remains a crucial tool for communication and governance at the national level.

-Submitted by Akarsh V.


The constitution had provided  for the establishment of official language commission,5 years after the commencement of the constitution. Accordingly a 21 member commission headed by B.G Kher was set up in 1956 and made public in 1957.

The commission recommended that Hindi should be increasingly used for official purposes in place of English but felt that it should  not be possible to say whether this language shall be in a position to replace English by 1965, as provided  in the constitution.

The commission was of the view that in future English should be taught in Secondary schools principally as a language comprehension  and not as a literary language, except  where it taken voluntarily.

In order to satisfy the people, the Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said in January  1958 at Guwahati session of Congress “I am all in favour of study of English being continued and even made more widespread . But confess that I do not understand how we can lay down for the future that English should be our  all India language. In any event I see no reason why we should hostile any decision or fix strict time limits in a matter of this kind”.



Unique language academy



Linguistic politics by  Deepika Ghahatraj

-Submitted by Thertha S. Kumar


18.English language and Power

 A man who has a language consequently possess the world expressed and implied by that language. What we are getting at becomes plain: Mastery of language affords remarkable power.”

                                                                         -Frantz Fanon (French philosopher )

 *English language symbolizes power that reflects and shapes our social reality in addition to being a means of global communication.

 *Great world leaders like Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama used English language as their key towards liberation and freedom from apartheid and white supremacy respectfully.

*The language of people is repository to their culture which in turn safeguards the power to their identity. 






 -Submitted  by  Linnet Ranjith


“Language is power, in ways more than most people think. When we speak, we exercise the power of language to transform reality. Why don’t more of us realize the connection between language and power?”

-Julia Penelope

English has been regarded as the first global lingua franca of business, publications, scientific communities, travel and tourism, internet etc. It is also an international language and the language of diplomacy.

English is not only a medium of communication but also the resource to get employment in many multinational companies and to get education from different corners of the world. So learning English is essential for a person who want to succeed in life.

By use of a language, one’s identity is unveiled. So, for making our identity powerful, our language also should be powerful. English is a powerful language as it has influenced the culture, lifestyle, interest etc. and also depicts the social status, education, power etc. of a large number of people.




-Submitted by Neeraja N. Namboodiri

17.English language and Identity

 "Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going."

                                                              -Rita Mae Brown

The English language plays a pivotal role in shaping individual and collective identities across the globe. For many, it serves as a medium through which cultural heritage is transmitted, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity with the past. People often identify strongly with specific dialects or accents, reflecting regional and social backgrounds. In multicultural societies, individuals navigate multiple linguistic identities, seamlessly switching between languages and dialects depending on the context. Moreover, the global dominance of English has led to the emergence of diverse varieties, such as American, British, Indian, or Australian English, each carrying distinct cultural nuances.

However, the relationship between English and identity is not without complexities. In some communities, English adoption is seen as a symbol of modernity, leading to the erosion of indigenous languages and traditions. This raises questions about cultural preservation and the impact of language shift on a community's sense of self.

In essence, the English language is a dynamic force that shapes and reflects identities, encompassing a rich tapestry of cultures, histories, and social experiences. Understanding this intricate interplay is essential for appreciating the diverse ways in which language contributes to our sense of who we are.

-Submitted   by Kiran Prakash


First thing arrives when we talk about English language is what is language. So, according to Edward Sapir: 'language is purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols'.

And English language is an Indo-European in the west Germanic language group but now  English language becomes global language and used all over the world for communication.

There are many advantages of English language because of its global language like-for communication in various parts of world, increase employment, make travel easier etc.


Let's come to what is Identity so according to a  great philosopher 'identity is what we choose to portray the world outsides of ourselves'.

 One thing is also about identity is that we can also establish our identity through our use of language and normally we can show our identity through our culture.

 "Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problems with communication is we don't listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, We don't listen with the  intent to reply. We listen for what's behind the words".


- Roy T.bennett from :The light in the heart

 -Submitted  by Shivansh Yadav

16.English language and Gender

 1.Gender is socially constructed and determines roles, behaviour, activities and attributes that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women.

 2.Gender-Neutral Language: In recent years, English has seen a shift towards a more gender-neutral language to be inclusive of all genders.

 3.Pronoun Usage: The traditional use of "he" or "she" is expanding to include "they" as a singular pronoun for individuals who identify as non-binary or prefer not to specify a gender.

 4.Inclusive Terminology: Efforts to replace gender-specific terms, like "fireman" with "firefighter," promote equality and reduce gender bias.

 These aspects reflect the dynamic relationship between language and gender in contemporary communication.

 "We are in the process of making the English language gender-neutral, and manliness, the quality of one gender, or rather, of one sex, seems to describe the essence of the enemy we are attacking, the evil we are eradicating"

- Harvey Mansfield

-Submitted  by  Athulya C.




 We are all familiar with international women’s day on 8th march. But I bet not all of you know about international men’s day on November 8th. Language plays a crucial role in shaping our perceptions ,interactions and cultural norms. The English language, as one of the most widely spoken and influential language, serves an excellent canvas for how gender is expressed and constructed through linguistic means. a system of grammatical gender, where by every noun was treated as either masculine, feminine or neuter existed in old English, but started to fell of during middle English period. So modern English largely does not have grammatical gender. This essay delves into the relationship between English language and gender.

 Decline of grammatical gender

Old English had a system of grammatical gender similar to that of modern German, with three genders; masculine ,feminine, and neuter. Learners would have had to simply memorize which word has which gender. Although noun referring to human males were masculine and for human females were generally feminine.

 By the 11thcentury ,role of grammatical gender in old English was beginning to decline. The middle English of the 13thcenturywas the transition to the loss of gender system. One element of this process was the change in the functions of the word THE and THAT. Late 14th century English had almost completed the shift away from grammatical gender and modern English retain no agreement of words with grammatical gender.


 “ In language gender is particularly confusing. Why , please ,should a table be male in German , female in French and castrated in English ? ”

                                                                                         - Marlene Dietrich

 Gender nouns









































The relationship between the English language and gender is complex and multifaceted. Language both  reflects and perpetuates gender stereotypes and biases. As society evolves and become more  inclusive and understanding of diverse gender identities ,so English language should adapt to reflect these changes .by using gender inclusive language, embarrassing linguistic expressions we can contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society where languages no longer serves as a tool for reinforcement of gender biases, to celebrate and embrace the diversity of gender experience.


-Submitted by Muhammed Jiyad KV

15.Cultural transmission of language

 Cultural transmission, or cultural learning, is an educational process that involves acquiring new knowledge through socialization and interaction with others.

 It involves the transfer of concepts between cultures, through real life experiences, allowing individuals to rapidly learn beliefs, behaviours, and expectations.

 Cultural transmission occurs through language, religion, or art, shaping values, self-perception, and acceptable behavior.

 It can be direct, where culture is passed down through direct teaching, indirect, observational learning, or imitation.

 Direct transmission occurs when parents teach their children about a culture, while indirect transmission occurs when culture is absorbed without intentional intention.

 Observational learning involves learning from others, while imitation involves copying behaviour.

 "Culture is the art elevated to a set of beliefs."- Thomas Wolfe

 References:  https://www.britannica.com/topic/language/Language-and-culture



 -Submitted  by  Aymen Musthafa PM.


 “Language and culture are the frameworks through which

humans experience, communicate, and understand reality.”

                                                            -Lev Vygotsky  (Russian Psychologist)

Cultural transmission of language is the process through which languages carry and transmit cultural elements, such as traditions, values, and societal norms, from one generation to the next. Language serves as a vehicle for passing down not only words and grammar but also the collective wisdom and identity of a culture. This transmission occurs as individuals acquire their native language through interaction with their community, absorbing the cultural nuances embedded in the language. It is a dynamic and ongoing exchange that helps societies maintain their cultural heritage and adapt to changing times, emphasizing the inseparable relationship between language and culture.

-Submitted by Rajil CR.


14.Teaching in English in Multilingual classrooms

 Firstly, we know the definition of multilingualism-

The method is using two or more language became the need for communication as well as individual.

Multilingualism is also prevalent in ancient periods.

Communication between different linguistic and cultural groups become earlier.

High cognitive development from the pupils.

Accessibility to the knowledge of different culture.

Multilingualism forms highly positive relationship between bilingualism, cognitive flexibility and scholastic achievement.


Need of multilingualism

1.Personal growth.

2.Communication with highy education persons.

3.Improve the vocabulary and grammar.

Multilingualism is probably the most natural and mental exercise.


-Submitted  by Sapavat Deepthi Priya



The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

-Ludwig Wittgenstein (Book:TractatusLogicoPhilosophicus)

English-the language of learning, as it is sometimes called, overshadows and takes over the spaces that other languages occupy.

Students in a multilingual classroom cant chat in their first language or turn to their classmate to clarify a point in their mother tongue. All communication has to be in the common languageEnglish. While more challenging, this is great practice for students!

For many of the students, English is not their language of thinking. However, this does not mean that they do not possess higher order cognitive skills. They do possess these in their first language. To enable to make connections and draw on their thinking capabilities, we need them to be able to exploit their abilities in other languages in English classrooms.

Translating a concept in English to their native language for better understanding in multilingual classrooms, cannot be advocated nor avoided.

To enhance writing skills and literature skills, students can be encouraged to search for and find equivalent words in English once the ideational planning is done in their mother tongue and then asked to compose their thoughts to words in English.

As receptive capability in students exceeds productive capability, they can be given English texts to read and can be asked whether they could formulate and respond to questions in English.

Once we have established that literary capability in their first language, transferring of that capability to English will happen with ease. This will embark an affective empowerment among the languages and an effective understanding between students who speak different languages, through English.

-Submitted  Shaima Allipra


61. Analytical essay: ‘Preventing bullying’

  “Courage is fire and bullying is smoke” Bullying refers to aggressive behaviour so as to dominate the other person. It refers to the coe...